Thursday, September 9, 2010

XB360 - Gears of War

Haiku Review: 

Lots of bugs(?) to kill,
mindless, needless, violence,
space(?) marines = awesome.

Additional Comments:

I think that it is generally agreed, and rightly so, that Gears of War and its sequel(s) are games that every gamer needs to play. Especially if you own an Xbox. Really, it's not that this is one of the best games ever (it's not), but that the presentation of Gears is so polished that this is how every game needs to look and feel. The story is nothing special. You've seen and heard it before. Bug-like aliens have invaded Earth or some other home world, and it's up to the gruffest, meanest, rootin'-tootinest space marines to get the job done. Which means you'll be blowin' their alien brains out. What really amazes me the most is that there is so little story here, I still don't know what's going on--and I just beat the game. Granted this isn't the type of thing most gamers would love for this type of game (and I honestly think that this game appeals to the most basest of caveman instincts in us men, which usually means that douchebags LOVE this game), but a little more explanation here and there would be helpful. Especially since there is a Gears of War 2 and a forthcoming 3, and the story continues into those games. Essentially this game is something you've already played before. If you've played Resistance or Resistance 2 or Killzone 2, it's almost just like those. But the presentation of this game is just awesome. And the gameplay is still very fun and enjoyable. The multiplayer is decent, with cool maps and all the usual multiplayer modes or variations of the modes. And I can't say enough about how great this game looks, and it's been out for several years now. The Unreal engine is simply the best-looking game engine out there, bar none. Man, I now I need to get the sequel!

Additional Additional Comments:

I forgot to mention that the I played this on Hardcore mode, which for a normal game, is challenging but isn't frustrating. But on this game, Hardcore is brutal. I have no idea how someone can even attempt Insane mode. I think the most frustrating part of Hardcore mode was that the game saves far fewer than I really needed and I had to replay long stretches of the game upward of ten times in a row. That aside, I really liked this game just for awesome action. This is a cover shooter in third person, and the cover mechanics are really great. And needed. You really can't run-and-gun this game unless you want to die repeatedly. But I don't want it to sound like I'm picking this game apart. There are some issues here and there, and the story is...cliche to say the least, and if you play this on casual mode, you can breeze through this game in just a couple of days, but this game is just so awesome to play. The presentation and looks and controls are just there, man.

Nano-rant Review:

Why the heck is there always a commanding officer with a Texan accent?!!!!!!!!!!!!  ANNOYING!!!

Rating: 3.5 lost saves out of 5


  1. Just so you know, the "space marines" are just normal badass soldiers, and the "aliens" are actually subterraneous beings that have been living underneath the crust for millenia. It's actually a really good story if you read into it.

  2. yeah...reguardless of their actual title, they're just space marines. it's just a cliche that comes up frequently in videogames, movies, and books. and the story isn't bad, really, it's just not great. it's just the barest story that gets you shooting from point A to point B. now, i don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, but it is what it is. and as far as looking into it, the story should stand on its own, in my opinion, and shouldnt have to be searched for to be there.
