Saturday, September 25, 2010

XB360 - Gears of War 2

Haiku Review:  

Better than first game!
Call me a Locust,
because I am blown away

Additional Comments:

In presentation, this is very similar to the first game. But unlike the first game, the story is a little tighter and more emotional, there are more fun add-ons, better checkpoints/saves, even better graphics (thought the first game was very pretty), more rail levels, more guns, more difficulty levels with more a better feel of the difficulty on each level, better multi-player--really, it's better in every way. I don't if I have much else to say about it. This game is so much like the first game in the good ways, that I don't want to repeat myself from the review of the first game. Many of my minor gripes were fixed or addressed. The difficulty of Hardcore mode is a lot more manageable and is a lot less like Insane mode, which was one of the flaws from the first game. I really got sucked into this game. On the first night, I played it from 11 p.m. till 3 a.m.! They manage to control the tension of the game and story by breaking up the "normal" third-person shooter moments with more rail-shooter moments. The only downside is that they do this so many times that it borders on tedium. Plus, some of the rail moments are so hard! And after playing this game, I realize that I was actually right about my opinion that these are space marines, since the story in the game explains that this is on another planet called Sera and these Locust are possibly an alien race and not a terrestrial species. The multiplayer is so much better in this game and the achievements seem a lot more attainable. One thing I don't  like about the achievements is that this game assumes that you are just going to buy all the map packs and DLCs and so includes the achievements of those maps and DLCs on the game. Annoying. Man, the story is so much better in this game. So much better. It ends like the first in a "to be continued..." moment, but it's not that bad. It really makes me want to play the third game. Can't wait! And Horde mode is awesome!

Nano-rant Review:


Rating: 4 strange new Locusts out of 5

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