Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NES - Mega Man


where it all began
for the Blue Bomber and the
devious Wily

Additional Comments:

Growing up, I think I played the hell out of Mega Man 2 and 3 - so much so that I know those two games like the back of my hand. Eventually, 4, 5 and 6 snuck in there too, but for some reason, the origin somehow always eluded me. Not until I bought the Mega Man Collection for PS2 did I finally get to play the original Mega Man. My hopes were high, really high in fact, mostly because the game had become harder and harder to track down (and I wasn't willing to pay the ridiculous prices eBayers were asking for). Well...crap. All my hopes were dashed.

The two things I had always heard about this game: it's amazing and it's hellaciously difficult. I think I'm going to have to disagree with both of those statements. Yea, the game is good, not sure I would call it great or amazing - ok, perhaps for its time, but I just don't think it stands up against any of the sequels, except for maybe MM6 (but we'll get to that when we get there). I think for me, it's the arcade-style points system that gives this game such a questionable feel, but then again, I also started with MM2 and MM3, so I wasn't use to the idea that Mega Man should be based around points as opposed to just an overall victory. And really, that's where the difficulty presents itself, but the thing is, when it first came out, I have to assume that this faux difficulty didn't really exist since no one was even introduced to the concept of all enemies dropping energy pellets of one sort or another. Other than that, I can't figure out why people whine so much about how hard this game is. To me, there were three, maybe four distinct situations that proved hair-raising: Fire Man, Elec Man, Yellow Devil and maybe the lift section of Guts Man's stage. However, if I played Mega Man games the way most people do and actually use the special weapons (that's right, I use the M-Buster on everything unless absolutely required - ie, Wily in MM2. Why? It just presents an additional challenge that I've always enjoyed.), then Fire Man and Elec Man wouldn't even make the list. So then, there we have it - Yellow Devil, you are my bane. And is he ever too. He was so much easier in MM3.

Still, hopes dashed, it's still a good game, and a classic shooting platformer to boot. Besides, it started one of the best video game franchises out there. So...there you go.

Oh, and lest we forget: Cut Man, for your enjoyment - go!


From my experience, it's completely feasible to do all of the bosses without taking a hit, but what the hell is up with Fire Man!? His attack sucks balls!!

Rating: 3.5 Metools out of 5

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