Saturday, September 4, 2010

NES - Double Dragon


classic beat 'em up
that still will entertain, just
don't forget the doors

Additional Comments:

I recall my cousins (I believe) owning this game growing up, and it always made for some thrilling NES action. What was it about beat 'em ups on the NES? They just came at you from every direction with non-stop action unlike other NES games, and it was awesome.

Now, I haven't played anything in the Double Dragon series in god knows how long, so coming back around and replaying this classic, I was rather blindsided by a couple things. Truthfully, I'm shocked that I've forgotten that much in this game. Of course, I remembered a few basics such as avoiding Chin's boss battle by going back down the ladder, but I have to say that I now wear the badge of idiocy having forgotten that Mission 3 will endlessly loop - and you would think I would have learned my lesson in Area 1. Nope.


Now, one thing I always found rather peculiar about this game: what the heck is going on with Linda's hair? Granted this game was made in the 80s, but still. Anyways, the game has some great music and it's hard to decide on a good theme to showcase. Missions 1-3 all have fantastic tunes, but I think I'm just going to take the easy route and post the Main Title.


I actually looped Mission 3.1 three times before I realized what the fuck you were supposed to do. What the hell, man!?

Rating: 2.5 jumpkicks out of 5

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