Friday, December 31, 2010

The 10 of '10

And with that, 2010 is done. Through the course of five months, I've beaten a whopping measly 32 games. Crap. At this rate I shall never beat all games. :(

Oh well, perhaps 2011 will prove to be a more fruitful year. I know I have a lot of games lined up that I'm really looking forward to, and I still have about 15 games I'm in the middle of. Anyways, now that the end of the year is here, I thought I'd look back at those 32 measly games and pick out my personal favorites from the bunch - those that really stuck out and screamed fun and excitement. Despite what my ratings may state, this list is based on overall fun and potential replay value - games I know I'd enjoy if I went back and played them again.

10. Hotdog Storm
-Short but sweet, this game just outright surprised me in every way possible.

9. Disney's Aladdin
-Just a straight up awesome platformer, 'nuff said.

8. Chrono Trigger
-As much as I hated Lavos/Lavos Core, this is still probably one of the best games ever made.

7. Milon's Secret Castle
-I seriously wouldn't be surprised if there's still a ton of stuff I've yet to uncover in this game.

6. Crash Bandicoot
-From the very beginning I could just feel that this game would own, and it did, bringing platforming to all new dimensions, even if they were just pseudo-dimensions.

5. Illusion of Gaia
-I've always loved action-adventure games, and with a storyline built around a strange mystical history so akin yet so different from our own, what's not to love?

4. Magical Chase
-Along with the various Touhou games, I found a newfound love for STG's thanks to this game.

3. Banjo-Kazooie
-Despite my deep-seeded hatred of the Nintendo 64, this game is brilliant and proved that even a shitty system can have amazing games.

2. The Bard's Tale
-There's far too much I could talk about regarding why this game's awesome so just go read the post.

1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
-Five words: New Super Mario Bros. Wii - discussion over.

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